Segway Tour in Gettysburg

I wanted to ride a Segway for a long time. When I came to know about history tour in Gettysburg which are Segway tours – this was a double pleasure (though I am not a history buff!).

This was an amazing experience for me although I was concerned about riding a Segway. The tour operator gave all kinds of disclaimers before starting the ride.

There was a 10 minute video explaining how to ride a Segway. This was followed by a 30 minute training session. The training session is indoors within the SegTour’s premises. The session includes different kinds of terrains you are likely to come across including small obstacles which are likely to be on the road and an incline and decline.

If at the of the training session either the participant or the trainer is not comfortable – the ride outside need not be taken. However, per SegTour – 90% of the people  are comfortable in taking the ride.

At the end of the training session I was in two minds but went ahead with the tour and was glad that I did!

SegTour also issues helmets and a headset along with a radio which is used by the tour guide to either explain the road ahead. There is also a commentary from a well trained history guide who gives information about the battle that took place in the area as we pass through that area.

The guide was very thorough in his job – he explain at each stop sign, signal or a turn giving us a heads up as to what is coming up. He even took care to inform us when there were potholes on the road or gutters on the side.

Here are a few photographs.

Tour taken on: 5/15/2016



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